Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. I know we are already at the start of a brand new journal plan, Astonished by Jesus, written by my wonderful friend Kristi Wyman, but, I for one, just couldn’t skip Lent. And as I thought about these plans running concurrently it struck me that they actually go together quite well. Think about it, is there anything in history more astonishing than the God of the universe coming to earth as a helpless baby, growing up to be the most controversial man in history, so controversial that he was put to death in the most horrific way known to man, and then, as if all of that wasn’t enough, HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD!!! Everything about Jesus was astonishing when you think about it.
However, what I find the most astonishing of all is that He would endure all of that for me. That he would look at me in my fallen, sinful state and say, “I choose her. She’s worth leaving heaven for, she’s worth suffering for, she’s worth dying for.” Which leads me to why I love Lent so much. Lent is about preparing my heart for Easter, specifically by way of repentance. Admittedly, looking at my own sinfulness is not easy, but is it too much to ask to do for one who has done everything for me?
The following is the introduction to past Lenten journal plans, I’m including it because I think it helps us think rightly about this often misunderstood season. Especially for those of us who did not grow up practicing any kind of Lent observance. I pray this season blesses you in ways you never imagined.
Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Growing up Protestant I rarely considered Lent, other than to hear my Catholic friends bemoaning all of the fish they had to eat and the chocolate they were giving up. I considered myself lucky to be able to skip this dusty old church discipline. What I didn’t realize was that I was missing out on a particularly rich practice that would make Easter an even more spectacular day than I had ever known it could be.
It started more than 20 years ago in the church of my childhood. We had just moved back to Michigan and were attending the church I had grown up in, a traditional Reformed church. The whole thing happened so casually it’s really remarkable how big an impact it had on me. But isn’t that just the way God works. It seemed random to me but to Him it was all part of HIs plan for me, it was a gift he’d held until that moment. And what was this remarkable gift? A thin little paperback pamphlet of Lenten readings by Henri Nouwen. They were just sitting there for the taking and so I grabbed one and tucked it into my bible once I got home. Mind you at this point in my life I wasn’t even a regular bible reader.
This really was a twofold gift; first, I was introduced to the practice of Lenten observance and second, I was introduced to Henri Nouwen, a man whose writing continues to be an integral part of my faith walk to this day.
As with all things of God, however, where we start is not where we are meant to stay and that has definitely been the case with my observance of this Holy season. Lent is a threefold discipline that includes forms of fasting, prayer, and service or charity. How we choose to observe this season, or even if we choose not to, is entirely up to us. But let me say, that to skip the observance of Lent is to leave a great gift unopened.
Lent is also a journey, a journey to the cross but ultimately to Resurrection Sunday. On Easter we celebrate the risen King Jesus and his defeat of sin and death on the cross. Because of what transpired between Good Friday and Easter Sunday we are forever granted access to God the Father. I love how Paul Tripp puts it, “because of Jesus I never have to see the back of God the Father walking away from me in disappointment or rejection.” Because of Jesus I am always met with open, loving arms ready to receive me regardless of my current condition. But a major aspect of those open, loving arms is repentance. I’m never rejected but that does not mean that I can ignore my sin or continue in it unchecked. And that’s another beautiful aspect of Lent, these 40 days are a preparation of our hearts for the joy of Easter morning. For 40 days I do some hard work on my sin, I scour the house for any crumbs of unconfessed sin and I take them to my loving Father in prayer. I allow the Holy Spirit unfettered access to my life, to the depths of my heart and I confess whatever is revealed. I do this with the word of God as my guide and fasting as a reminder of the sacrifice he made for me. And it doesn’t stop there, I also practice practical forms of service and charity while denying myself.
Maybe it all sounds like too much, maybe it leaves you feeling like you’re trapped in another set of legalistic rules and that’s exactly what Jesus came to free you from, so you say; “ No way, this is not for me.” I understand, Jesus did come to set us free from legalistic rules, but that’s not what Lent is. I’m inviting you to is a feast of God’s goodness, not a banquet of rules. Maybe you won’t choose to fast from anything but could you give some focused time in the word, could you invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart? Maybe the idea of denying yourself something brings up negative memories for you, could you look at picking up a new habit of prayer or bible reading for 40 days instead? If Lenten observance has negative connotations for you, perhaps you could just pray for God to give you new eyes to see, or a heart to forgive whatever left such a bad taste in your mouth. I pray you find healing if you need it.
From today through March 24 we will be journaling verses on Repentance as a way of preparing for Holy Week and Easter. For Holy Week we will be reading larger chunks of scripture that will take us through the entire Easter story. My hope is that you will take some time during Holy Week to meditate on the magnitude of the Easter story. Perhaps employing some other means of engaging with the Word during that week. The verses you choose to journal for Holy Week are entirely up to you. My prayer is that this will not be “more” added to your plate but “better.”
For those of you who join me in this journey, I pray that you are blessed and that Easter is more meaningful for you because of these practices. And as always, if you want to let me know what you think, please do.
