The October scripture journaling plan is written by a new contributor to Letting His Love, my dear friend, Kristi Wyman. Below are a few things she wanted you to know about how the two of us met and about herself. What she doesn’t say is that she’s grown to be someone whose heart and intellect I greatly respect. She is a true kindred spirit, more on that below. She also has an incredible gift of encouragement and has been such to me on more occasions than she realizes.
I met Susie at a ministry retreat about 8 years ago and since then we have been in Bible studies together, were part of the same book club, and have served on several ministry retreat weekends together.
Susie was the one who introduced me to scripture journaling and it dramatically changed how I read the Bible and interact with God’s word. Before scripture journaling, I would try to follow reading plans but would always fall short, leaving me feeling like I was just checking a box off a to-do list. I struggle with reading comprehension and my brain doesn’t listen well if I’m not completely interactive. I have a degree in Journalism and writing just makes sense to me. When I can put pen to paper and write out what I have just read, honing in on key points about what a commentary says about that passage and how I want to apply it to my life; then I can retain the Word of God. Writing out prayers also keeps my brain from wandering and prevents me from adding to my grocery list when I’m supposed to be talking to God.”
Over the years, Susie and I have geeked out over our shared love of words, their meanings, and especially how the Bible uses words. We also share a love of study and both set aside early morning hours to spend quiet time in God’s word. It’s not uncommon to text one another before 7am with a screen shot from a dictionary, encouragement from God’s word, a devotion or commentary. She recently shared a podcast with me devoted solely to verbs, kindred spirits at best or total geeks, I’ll let you decide.
I have been married for 28 years to my husband Jeff, also a word nerd, and we have two adult children. Our daughter is married to a Marine and they are currently serving in Jacksonville, NC; and our son works full time and lives at home. When I’m not at work managing a call center, I love reading historical fiction and watching documentaries.
