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Gratitude - November 2024

Writer: Susie RenzemaSusie Renzema

As I’m sitting here at my computer, trying to put my thoughts in order regarding this month’s journal plan, I’m realizing it’s not that simple. Historically the month of November is dedicated to practicing gratitude, and I love that tradition. But this November is also a presidential election, and I’m feeling the need to acknowledge that somehow; to acknowledge the anxiety, the anger, the disillusionment that so many people feel right now. It feels right and appropriate to jump in and say, “I see you and I’m here for you!” But even as I’m typing this I sense the Holy Spirit saying, “no.”


What I was attempting to do was pull from all the past plans everything you need to make it through this next month unscathed. I want to address your anxiety, worry, and fear*. I want to comfort* you, to help you walk in humility*, to remind you to bear with your brothers and sisters*, to remember that God is sovereign* over this election, to urge you to strive for unity* regardless of how it all turns out…


And then I remembered something. I can’t do any of those things for you. Only God can meet all of those needs. I also remembered the heart of why November is dedicated to gratitude; gratitude is like a re-set button. By this time of the year many of us are feeling pretty worn out, and the busiest time of the year is still to come. Sandwiched between the frenetic pace of the fall and the frantic pace of the holidays sits November, and all she asks is that we remember everything we have to be grateful for, regardless of our present circumstances. I think that sounds about right. I think that’s just what we need right now.


I decided to look up the definition of grateful, and definition 2b in Webster’s says this: “pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated”. What I find interesting about that definition is how close it comes to encapsulating the gospel. Jesus came and healed and relieved pain and discomfort in his three years of ministry on earth. And when he ascended into heaven he didn’t leave us on our own, he sent us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. But where it falls short is in the word “alleviate”. The definition of that word is: “to make something… more bearable, to partially remove or correct something undesirable.” Synonyms are “assuage”, “ease”, “help”, “mitigate”, and “soothe”. Jesus didn’t come to mitigate, ease or soothe our sinful nature, he came to eradicate it! Eradicate means, “to do away with as completely as if by pulling up by the roots.” Synonyms of eradicate are: “annihilate”, “blot out”, “erase”, “exterminate”, “obliterate”…


This, my friends, is what we are eternally grateful for! This is what deserves an entire month of our attention. This is where we set our gaze! The election will happen, a new president will be chosen, and our country will react to that decision.


             “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:

            The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

   his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is thy faithfulness.

                        ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul,

‘therefore I will hope in him.’”

Lamentations 3:21-24


On Tuesday our president will change, but our God never will. Be grateful for that promise.


*individual plans on each of these topics can be found at



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