Christian Charity, I thought I knew what that was until I read an article last week that spoke of how desperately we need it right now. Because it's not so much about what we do with our money but about what we do with our words, our hands, and our heart. Frankly, it's easier to give money away than it is to practice Christian Charity.
By definition Christian Charity is "lenient judgement of others. It comes from the Late Latin caritat- caritas: Christian love (Websters). Webster's Thesaurus further defines it as: kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment, especially towards someone who is undeserving of it. Related words are: gentleness, goodness, kindness, love (any of these sounding familiar?), meekness - which is the absence of any feelings of being better than others: (synonym: humility), grace: unmerited favor; WORSHIP (emphasis mine).
Christian Charity then, is love shown by extending grace to others. And once again, there it is, another element of bearing with one another, another aspect of seeking unity with our brothers and sisters. All of which are only possible through the power and assistance of the Holy Spirit working in us, the golden thread continues to join all of these plans together.
We extend Christian Charity when we show genuine love to others, when we walk in grace and exhibit the fruits of the Spirit. When we are self-controlled and when we hold our tongue, when we post-pone judgement, listen to hear and not just to respond, when we show mercy, when we forgive - even if, and especially if, "they" don't deserve it. When we seek to do all this we give GLORY to God, and that's what we're here for, to give the One who gave us everything the glory He deserves. All of this gives glory to God because it promotes unity in the body of Christ, and when His glory is our aim, our behavior becomes worship.
