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Lettering His Love
Scripture Journaling
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Susie Renzema
Oct 2, 20231 min read
Our Generous God - Scripture Journaling Plan
Please use the following pdf for a printable plan of Our Generous God.

Susie Renzema
Aug 31, 20233 min read
The Attributes of God : God as Judge
Hi everyone, I can’t believe I made it an entire month with no social media, sad but true. It was a good month and it showed me how much...

Susie Renzema
Aug 1, 20233 min read
The Attributes of God: Purity
Purity, ugh, are you having flashbacks to squeamish talks about sex in the church basement during youth group? I think that’s what most...

Susie Renzema
Jun 30, 20232 min read
The Attributes of God: Wisdom
What does it mean to be truly wise? The older I’ve gotten the more I realize that to be wise is so much more than being smart. Being...

Susie Renzema
Jun 7, 20233 min read
Wondrous - Wednesday's Word
“For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise you because I have been remarkably...

Susie Renzema
May 31, 20232 min read
Next week we start a long overdue landscaping project at our home and I am so excited to get going. I’m excited to see the finished...

Susie Renzema
May 17, 20234 min read
Bring - Wednesday’s Word
“… ‘Bring your son here.’ As the boy was still approaching, the demon knocked him down and threw him into severe convulsions. But Jesus...

Susie Renzema
May 1, 20232 min read
The Majesty of God
Hi Everyone, I try to keep from re-using plans from the past unless they’re seasonal, like Advent and Lent. However, I am bringing back...

Susie Renzema
Apr 27, 20232 min read
Wednesday's Word - CERTAIN
Certain: fixed, settled; dependable, reliable; assured in mind or action. Originally the past participle of the Latin cernere, to sift,...

Susie Renzema
Mar 31, 20233 min read
About half way through last months journal plan I was wondering what would be an appropriate attribute of God’s character to follow...

Susie Renzema
Feb 28, 20233 min read
Divine Sovereignty
Divine Sovereignty: what exactly does that mean and how does it bring me comfort? Is it just an antiquated theological term or does it...

Susie Renzema
Feb 23, 20233 min read
Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Growing up Protestant I rarely considered Lent, other than to hear my Catholic friends...

Susie Renzema
Jan 31, 20233 min read
February: Discovering God's Attributes "LOVE"
Six years ago I wrote my very first scripture journaling plan. My very first plan was written in February on the topic of God’s love for...

Susie Renzema
Jan 11, 20232 min read
Endure - Wednesday’s Word
Psalm 136 has 26 verses and so 26 times the phrase “his faithful love endures forever” is repeated. We’re taught that whenever something...

Susie Renzema
Jan 1, 20233 min read
The Immutability of God
It’s January 1, 2023! Does that get you excited or does it make you feel a little disappointed or sad? Maybe 2022 wasn’t what you had...

Susie Renzema
Dec 30, 20222 min read
Healing + Restoring
Malachi 4: 5-6 is a promise that is fulfilled in Luke 1: 16-17, a promise that is especially dear to me because it’s a promise I have...

Susie Renzema
Dec 29, 20222 min read
Rejection Is God’s Protection
“Rejection is God’s protection.” My kids heard this from me a few too many times when they were adolescents navigating high school and...

Susie Renzema
Dec 22, 20223 min read
Covenant of Christmas
I feel like there's no possible way I can do justice to these verses, especially verses 33 to 35, I’ve been sitting with them for over an...

Susie Renzema
Dec 18, 20223 min read
The Sweet Aroma of Jesus
One thing that really impresses me about John 1: 23 is the absolute surety that John has as he answers the Pharisees. He is unwavering in...

Susie Renzema
Dec 14, 20223 min read
Zeal: eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something: fervor. Ardent: characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in...
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