Meet Susie
Hi, my name is Susie, and Lettering His Love is a labor of love five plus years in the making. I’m an empty nester from Grand Rapids, Michigan, who loves fresh flowers, a good cappuccino, French fries, the creative outlet and beauty of needlepoint, and dogs - especially, long-haired dachshunds!
My favorite person to converse with is my husband, Ron. We met at the tender age of 17 and had a lot of growing up to do before we said our “I do’s” at 27. Our adult children (including our son-in-law) inspire me on a regular basis and are three of the finest human beings I know.
I love to hike and ski with my husband and my kids whenever they can join us. I’m a girlie girl who gravitates toward pink, especially when it’s paired with green. My all-time favorite place to visit in Michigan is Mackinac Island; it’s idyllic and makes me feel like all is right with the world.
Have you fallen asleep yet? No? Then let’s get to the heart of the matter, what led me here.
I’m a giant word-nerd. Always have been. I love the dictionary so much I have the Webster’s app on my phone and use it almost daily. (There’s a point to my love of words, so keep reading!)
I am a doubter by nature and that’s why, if I could have a conversation with anyone living or dead, I would pick Charles Spurgeon. I’ve never read a single word of his that didn’t leave me gobsmacked (look it up ;-). He’s my theology crush, and he–like me– struggled with depression and doubt.
Two decades ago I went through a season of deep depression in which I nearly lost my faith. In hindsight I believe this happened because I didn’t know the character of God. My knowledge was sand-deep because I hadn’t built my faith on the bedrock of the Holy Scriptures. I read lots of things about the Word, but rarely cracked it open for myself. This left me open to the lies of the enemy and allowed my doubts and fears to flourish. By His grace, I emerged from that season and re-built my faith on the truth of the Word. Because of this I am committed to getting people into the Word in creative ways that build their faith as well as an arsenal of truth against the lies of the world, the flesh, and the devil!
I get really excited talking about the Bible, especially doctrine, because the deeper I dive into it the more I come to understand and thus appreciate the message of the gospel. And that love of words thing? Every word of the Bible is intentional, even the ones that don’t seem to matter. It was scripture journaling that really brought that point home for me because, by slowing down and writing scripture in my own handwriting, words I once skipped over became almost electric. My desire to understand on a deeper level led me first to the dictionary and then to many other resources we’ll talk about on this page.
If you have a desire to dig deeper into God’s Word, come follow along. I’m so glad you’re here!